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“When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
Khalil Gibran

I spent a lot of time recently searching for a freelance reviewer for my book

‘5 Pillars of the Gypsy’ 

It was not an easy task as my book has not yet been converted to an e-book. I finally came across a reviewer and anxiously awaited her thoughts. I admit to being concerned. Everyone who has ever had a book reviewed probably has some anxieties about their work and so I fretted about whether I would be able to post the review or bury it instead 🙂 – When I first read it I laughed at my insecurities – When I re-read I blubbered like a baby as I thought about the process and the emotions involved in piecing each part of the book together and the support of all the people along the way to its completion. I say on the title page ‘This is my Heart’ – as I feel as though I poured my heart and more than a bit of my soul into the pages. It was my baby from start to finish save the editing portion which I received via a bartering system of one of my monoprints.

I feel I have been rewarded because Ruth Ann recognised the heart and soul of my poems and artwork. It echoes my Amazon Reviews which have also knocked me over in a great way! It is a wonderful feeling that as an artist – I was understood in the way I had intended.

Dream – Hope – Believe – and Trust the Universe to provide. And I did. And I do.

Lesley    Rose Coloured glasses suit my face. Forcing the look in.