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I really do want to give thanks and an appreciative nod to everyone who has come by, followed, commented, supported and complimented me here. I now celebrate 175 followers in less than a month of posting. I have been nominated for 3 separate Blogging AWARDS that I have yet to post because …….. I am in everyone’s ASKIMET mailbox  as a ‘Spammer’ 🙂  I am offering, as these statues do a sincere thanks with gratitude … Lesley

rights reserved - Offering of Thanks

This photo is used with permission from my good friend Sebastien Assoignons who as mentioned in a previous post is cycling solo in South America at the moment. He calls himself the Nomad Observer and has a smile that could light up the planet.

I am smiling but not really because as a result of this mis-diagnosis I have to contact each individual fellow Blogger to explain I am not a Spammer and to release me!

Ahhhhhhh but don’t you just love the joys of technology and its connections?

I do – Absolutely!