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These two pieces, one photo and one of my pieces of art (monoprint, oil paint) remind me of each other. Both are conceptual in their own way and tied together with the idea of contemplation as to what may be on the other side.

Concept cave swirl

concept dark to light

This post is part of a weekly feature that is hosted by http://jakesprinters.wordpress.com/ where Jake provides a word of Inspiration and participants post according to their conception of the word. This Sunday Post word is

CONCEPT – something thought or imagined: something that somebody has thought up, or that somebody might be able to imagine, Broad principle affecting perception and behavior: a broad abstract idea or a guiding general principle, one that determines how a person or culture behaves, or how nature, reality, or events are perceived the concept of time Understanding or grasp: the most basic understanding of something has little concept of what is involved, Way of doing or perceiving something: a method, plan, or type of product or design. Like concept art, concept business, concept cars, concept formation or concept Nature .