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I Have not finished my web-site overhaul so really shouldn`t be posting but I am a rule breaker by nature. Yep – that`s me, a rebel without a cause. Life is too short for following my own rules anyway. Have a fun week everyone.




With a voice that reeked majestic
He sang beneath the bridge
Such ugly sight he was
But he didn’t give a fig
Trolls were very handsome
Or so this sorry fellow thought
It never did occur to him
Why the people wouldn’t stop.

With cup of tea in ravaged hands
He saw himself a master
A flippin’ bloody genius
A genesis of sort as well
A maestro quite extrordinaire
Or so this sorry fellow thought
It never did occur to him
Why the people wouldn’t stop.

He knew no doubt, (don’t worry)
His plight in life appalling
As beneath bridge at midnight
He bellowed out his froggy notes
Appeasing crowds of worshippers
Or so this sorry fellow thought
It never did occur to him
Why people wouldn’t stop.


Lesley Fletcher ©2013

Image from Wikipedia with a caption that read – “Look at them, troll mother said. Look at my sons! You won’t find more beautiful trolls on this side of the moon. “(1915) by John Bauer