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The Birds Will Get me There #FWF

What is you say that makes me this way
That people turn to stare
Not saying hello – just peering in their wonder
Who am I that has lived so long
Bent in mind and in body and circumstance
Odd thoughts and wishes follow me

Where can I find my interest, my ecstasy
My life that I left for reasons unknown
Where in the arms of those who loved me
I seemed quite ordinary
And what was wrong with that at all?
Who is it one might query
That led me to this insane madness lunacy at best
Not my mother, not my father nor my brother or my sister
It was with certainty the world at large
That closed my eyes and ears
That toggled with my sensibilities
That fed my heart and soul
With poison, hatred, fear, and harm.

How can I return to the place I loved to go
Without the birds to take me there
Flying in my dreams with a safety net
Soaring with the wordless spirit
Living as was meant.

birds #FWF

Free Write Friday is hosted by Kellie Elmore. More posts related to this Free Write can be found HERE
I haven’t been able to keep up with my schedule so have been unable to contribute for a while so today I find myself really happy to take part. The rules are simple and everyone can play! Personally, I am challenged by the fact there is no editing allowed. What you write is what you post. It is very exhilarating to complete and discover where my mind took me. It’s a great way to find your own way and test the courage in your soul.

On a side note – all of my notifications have been re-set so I have a task ahead of me to re-re-set them – I am receiving no email notifications and of course I was wondering what the heck – where is everyone ?? 🙂

Here is a monoprint of mine showing the Northern Shrike (in abstract) – This piece came to mind as I finished the last part of the write so I thought I would share it. 

northern shrike