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I found a photo that I was completely taken by. Although I see and admire and love so much photography by so many talented posters here on WordPress, I rarely find one that prompts me to explore it in an artistic sense.

Brian Gaynor’s photo did just that and he was kind enough to allow me to use his depiction of Urban Loneliness. The post and his other photography may be found HERE.

This is Brian’s original Shot entitled Urban Loneliness which stirred up sympathy and empathy within me. 


Like a child pumped up with excitement I aligned my tools and I tackled the thing that bothered me most – witnessing loneliness – with what I like to do best – Find a way to take the loneliness away. The theme I chose is music and in particular the blues.

purple is the colour of my blues

I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.

Denis Waitley

If you don’t know the blues… there’s no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music.

Keith Richards

The blues is like a planet. It’s an enormous topic. You can’t ignore the impact that it has had and continues to have on the whole musical culture. It’s a tree that everyone is swinging from. Without it, I don’t know where I would be. It’s indelible and indispensable.

Tom Waits

Elvis Presley and his first hit Heart Break Hotel – On the Milton Berle show as a brand new entertainer. No one had the chance to set up a public outcry about his swivel hips. Subsequent performances were taped from the waist up for many years.


