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Last Thursday I had the pleasure of reading my book Hey Angel! to four classes of 25 children each – all under the age of five. My target audience did not let me down! Hey Angel! is a book written in rhyme, about a boy who interacts with his Angel who is a quirky sweetheart. He worries that one day she will not be there for him until he finds out that the Angel lives inside of his own heart. 

When I got to the last page, that shows the Angel living inside his heart there were audible gasps and awes from many of the children which gave me tremendous satisfaction.! After all isn’t that what the arts are about? Connecting emotionally with other humans in a mutual understanding?

At the end of the final class of the day a little girl came to me and said, “I think you mean we all should all believe in ourselves.” My own heart filled up… YES, that is exactly what I mean. During the course of my presentation I never once mentioned these words nor did I mention self-esteem as I thought they were too young to grasp the concept. I relied instead on Hey Angel! providing a reminder that they can always count on themselves if they have to and YES to know their own heart is packed with goodness and their own Angel (themselves too).

As a part of the presentation I had everyone ‘draw’ or ‘write’, inside of a heart, what made them feel good, and what they loved, reminding them that at Sad, Bad and Mad times they always had a place to go and draw on the great loves they had in their lives.

Positivity was not lost on these little souls. They swung right in the concept with ease.

Their images (inside their own hearts) got me to thinking that it is likely that every child, no matter what their circumstances or where they are in the world holds the same type of ‘go-to’ thoughts primarily made up of Sunshine, Flowers, and People they love. They are only four years old so I had to use a little trickery to figure out what they were drawing especially those who coloured in their heart completely – that’s when it came out that it was mostly sunshine, flowers and other parts of nature, friends and family and  of course soccer balls, robots, fish and kites !

If I did an experiment I feel certain that the children pictured below from Ghor al Safi Jordan would be drawing from nature and family too. In fact, all the little children in the world no matter what their circumstance or culture…

*The little girl in the pink – the shyer one on the left held my heart in her hand. May she grow up to have a special life, chalked with enchantment and romance and freedom.  I sat with her and got to know her spirit and soul. She is gentle and loving and deserving. May they all grow up to lead full and peaceful lives –  Inshallah*

I think, no matter what our age we need to find the capability to go to our own hearts for comfort during ‘sad/bad/mad times – I, of course rely on the universe and angels as well 🙂 and so far the combination has worked out just fine!

Hey Angel! is great as a bed-time story or early reader. It can be found at Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as other on-line retailers. A FREE PDF version is available at Google Books – It is a short, easy and sweet read designed to help give children a place to go and someone to count on even when they believe ‘no one loves them’ – we have all been there haven’t we?

Have a wonderful week everyone !

Lesley Rose coloured glasses suit my face. Forcing the look in.