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I have been working tirelessly on my newest book – Crystal Ball Persuasion. It has been both a challenge and an experience. As many people do, I have a tendency toward wanting the end result before the work has been completed. All of my jobs have supplied that to me. All except novel writing. So I have to push the date of release back a few months, but feel confident it will be published mid-2016.

While I have produced five other books to date, all of which have included multiple art pieces, they did not quite prepare me for the long, dedicated process needed to write a complete novel. Writing ‘short’ allows for short stories, poems, anecdotes, song lyrics, articles, and yes, blog posts. I continue to write these to get that much needed satisfaction of completion and to give me a break from my work in progress.

In the meanwhile to give myself a boost I have settled on a cover and the back cover blurb.

The travelling carnival is not the life Gypsy pictured for herself. Since being given her mentor’s gift of a premonition from a very young age, she has had her sights on a life far away from the one she leads.

Standing in her way are two men; one who has been waiting a lifetime for her love and one who depends on her gifts for a living wage. 

Trusting the Universe, she throws herself into a new life when she finds the seeker who fits the premonition. She sets out with a new identity and a zest for adventure on her quest for the truth. Her journey leads her to questions she had never thought of asking.

Only one thing is set in stone. She will never return to life on the midway again.

Here is my choice for the front cover – hope everyone likes it!

Coming Early 2016

Coming Mid – 2016

Lesley Fletcher is a writer (freelance, books, content, lyrics,stage plays) as well as a visual artist specializing in monoprints. To learn more about her please visit the tabs here on WordPress or her website at http://www.LesleyFletcher.com

To view other books by Lesley, have a look at her author profile on Amazon.