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On the weekend I came across a poem that struck me. Accompanying the poem was a photo of a dandelion that was on the verge of flying away into the atmosphere with fluffy bits that I used to try to catch as a child. This childhood memory led to a piece of art I titled ‘1st Love’ which I dedicated to my mother. My mother being my first realised love in life.

When I am asked which piece of art is my favourite from my book, ‘5 Pillars of the Gypsy’, which is a mix of poetry, prose and art –  this is the one I think of first.

I would like to share the poem by Penny L. Howe hoping you will enjoy it as much as I did. The theme is a common one and one that we are encouraged to remember each day. One that we end up losing touch with even though we all know better! The line that is repeated in the poem is the easiest way for me to remember the message. Namaste.

From one heartbeat to the next it can be gone.  

Many thanks to Penny for allowing me to share here. http://thewhyaboutthis.com/about/

Ethereal Life

Enjoy what you are given – in the moment,

From one heartbeat to the next it can be gone.

Share what you’ve been blessed with – in the moment.

From one heartbeat to the next it can be gone.

Laugh with the richness of life – in the moment.

From one heartbeat to the next it can be gone.

Love all you can love in the moment.

From one heartbeat to the next it can be gone.

Live every moment of your life to the fullest.

From one heartbeat to the next it can be gone.

Penny L. Howe, 2012