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I came across an amazing tool that allows Bloggers to make a book of their posts. There are a host of Bloggers that I visit who are currently working on their first book or are contemplating making a book from their Posts … one day.

One day can be today! and accomplished today!

It is a wonderful EGO – Feeder when a writer holds their own words in their hands for the first time. They have given life to their thoughts and have a hard copy for (at the very least) posterity. Given the end price of the product this would not likely be a viable re-saleable version of your product but the time and effort involved in producing an actual hard copy book it is a fabulous alternative and an inexpensive ‘proof’.

It is so simple to navigate … I don’t have to guide anyone here.

When I took my file of ‘5 Pillars of the Gypsy’ to get printed at my local store it was going to cost $79.00 (colour pages for the images) for 142 pages. I just couldn’t bring myself to pay that amount and was forced to wait for the proof from the publisher. I would have loved to have a less expensive option at that time for actually for all of my books. The time and effort put into producing a book aside from the actual writing of it is astronomical! The patience needed is almost beyond me 🙂 – I am a kid about things like that.

If my mother was alive she would devour a book of my posts. She would not have the patience nor the desire to read them on a computer, but I feel certain she would cherish the book of posts as a gift. She was never without a book in her hands and one or two waiting on the side (what if there was inclimate weather and she couldn’t get out to the library!).

I suppose there are several other uses for a hard copy of Blog posts, such as IF you are contemplating publishing in the future. I can attest that a ‘proof’ of your work is essential.

With my four books, I was convinced, with each one that it was complete/done/finito/accomplished/OVER until receiving the proof and sure enough there would be at least one and perhaps up to 10 small changes or in one case big changes to be made.

There is something about a book of your own contributions – the feel, the scent, the accomplishment and the solidity that can not be described until its in hand.

The great part about this software is that you can edit out the posts you don’t want to include or break up your posts into segments for different volumes.

I did a trial run but didn’t order the book. 72 of my posts, unedited with a soft cover binding, and colour images would have cost me 44.95$. There are other options of course such as hard cover, editing out some posts, and the much less expensive black and white print only version which is perfect for those who post only text.

For those with an Entrepreneuer spirit and time to do it, this company also offers a referral program.

– Note: I am not a part of the program – just a passer-on-er of the information I found 🙂 and can not vouch for the Company or the Quality of their product. Happy Printing, Lesley

Here is the address : http://blog2print.sharedbook.com/blogworld/printmyblog/index.html