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I am a huge fan of Vincent Van Gogh, without actually knowing too much about him. I purchased a wonderful huge, art filled book on him and his art only to get it home and find that it was in French. I suppose I didn’t notice at the store because of the excitement of getting 75% off this beauty and my ability to read headlines in French without realising the language change. That though is the extent of my French language skills. I think, in my own defence, that I was very distracted by the images, the colours, the style, the everything that VV put into his more than 800 pieces.

For those who didn’t know, he actually only sold one painting in his life which was The Red Vineyards at Arles. Currently it presides at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. 


My favourite is hard to pin down but I think I will go with Starry Night Over the Rhone


Since I had this big ole book full of gorgeous VV prints, I decided to mix the bad fortune of not being able to comprehend the text properly with good fortune in that I am using his art to influence, inspire and incorporate into my newest undertaking. I had wanted to create some small pieces (4 x’s 6 inches) so that they would easily fit into common 5 x’s 7 inch frames and combine a layering technique using all sorts of things I have lying around, including several large pieces of drafting mylar.


The mylar is likely from about 1960 but in perfect shape and I have a lot of it. I also felt the need to have a go-to project because I have been writing so much and not paying much attention to creating in an unstructured sense. Unstructured creativity is the best thing for my mind. It clears up like magic and time passes as though I am a child playing outside on a warm summer day. All of a sudden it is dark, I am hungry and wonder where exactly the time flew to 🙂

Anyway, back to mylar. It is very tough to photograph and equally difficult to scan but I will throw up what I have done so far because, well, I feel like it!@!

So with no further ado – here are my first two piece with love and many thanks to Vincent Van Gogh.

final mylar
“In Motion”

van gogh 2
“Love & Live”


Wishing everyone warm spring days and starry, starry nights.


Lesley Fletcher is a writer (freelance, books, content, lyrics,stage plays) as well as a visual artist specializing in monoprints. To learn more about her please visit the tabs here on WordPress or her website at http://www.LesleyFletcher.com